Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Family/ Familie

I am grateful not only for friends, but for their families, too. Today the Quilty family comes to mind: the in-laws of my high school friend Des who welcomed me when life was changing. I visited the farm, shared the home fire and experienced the warmth of family extended. I'm grateful to Pat for books and encouragement. I am also grateful to Anke and the rest of the Krefts with whom I shared my first German Christmas. I still have the silver tin her grandmother gave me with crisp, rolled homemade waffles. Yum. Thank goodness for people like that who are simply kind.

When I grow up, I want a home like theirs that's warm and welcoming. Happy turn of the years to everyone.

Meine erste Deutsche Weihnachtszeit erlebte ich mit einer Familie namens Kreft nahe der holländischen Grenze. Sie waren so offen und warmherzig, ich habe es nie vergessen, obwohl es nun über 20 Jahredn zurückliegt. Danke für herrlich nette Familien! Allen einen guten Rutsch.