Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009

Focus/ Zielstrebig

When you set yourself a goal, your brain comes up with ways to achieve it. Take a simple thing like my thank count. Initially, I worked whimsically, and the thanks dribbled in one by one. But once I decided to finish by the end of this month, my focus changed. I began to think in new categories. Suddenly, I began to recall large groups of people to be grateful for instead of the occasional individual.

It's easier than I thought. There really are thousands of people I can be grateful about. And I have come up with three times as many in the last few days as I did in the three months before I changed my focus.

One very special person I am grateful to is Dr Heribert Wolfe who cared for me when I was a child and inspired me to become a physician, too. He died when I was ten and could not witness how deeply he had impacted my life's direction. Or could he? Bless him. I don't know how many thanks that makes, but today, it doesn't really matter.

Der Schwerpunkt bestimmt, welche Ziele man wie erreicht. Solange ich diese Dankaktion ohne großen Antrieb durchführte, fielen mir auch nur wenige Beispiele ein. Sobald ich mir jedoch vornahm, bis Ende des Jahres damit fertig zu werden, hatte ich plötzlich täglich Hunderte von Menschen auf der Liste. Ich denke nun in anderen Kategorien, um mein neu definiertes Ziel zu erreichen. So kann es auch sonst funktionieren. Doch muß man zuerst glauben, dass etwas überhaupt möglich ist, um es zu verwirklichen.