Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009

Actually, it's Wednesday/ Mittwoch

Thank goodness for friends.

Yesterday an "old" friend from med school came by. We chatted about our lives. The parallels are amazing, the differences intriguing and the silence in between--healing. We went for a walk by the river where things are never the same, neither at different times on the same day, nor the same times on different days. We watched dogs racing in the wind, felt the heat of physical exertion, peeped into other people's front rooms when they turned on the lights at dusk. And then we came back and had tea. Life could hardly be better.

Es sind die einfachen Momente und Dinge, die manchmal am meisten Spass machen. Gottseidank für alte Freundschaften und insbesonders heute für Alex.