Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009


Thanks to the stranger who helped me with my bags at Victoria Station in London in November 2003.

Minimal change. Have I mentioned how I made a leap of faith and gave up one job before I officially had another? It was the right decision. I knew it was time to change. Things were turning sour at the old place. I got a job one stop earlier on the same train line, beginning one hour later, earning one Euro more for the day. But the big difference was that I knew it was a job that suited me to the Tee.

Well, now we've been given a big bonus for our good work. One Euro more became 10, which means my income changed suddenly and unexpectedly by 30% and I'm really grateful that the minimal change has had such a big impact. Do the right thing. It's worth it.

Ich habe unerwarteterweise einen erstaunlichen Weihnachtsbonus erhalten zum ersten Mal seit ich in Deutschland arbeite. In der Schweiz war das gang und gebe. Aber ich schätze diesen mehr, denn ich kann es gut gebrauchen und es kam überraschend. Hurra! Gottseidank.