Montag, 28. Dezember 2009

Solitaire/ Solitär

I am pretty bad at solitaire. I play for the fun of it. I don't care that much if I win or lose, so I often end up losing. But one day, I got ambitious. Instead of accepting a loss, I backtracked to where I had made a bad choice, and corrected it. The funny thing was, I had felt the uncertainty when I made the move, but went ahead anyway. But if I had chosen right the first time, I would have missed the fun of turning back after playing out the bad move.

We can't always correct mistakes in life. But we do have a chance to reflect and learn from them. One mistake I don't want to make is not to forgive when I am able to. And the person who needs my forgiveness most is me. After all, in life, as in solitaire, it's me who makes the moves and choices. Oh, and for the record, that last solitaire set? I won it.

I am grateful for the people who design these games. The thank count goes up another notch.

Ich spiele gern Solitär, Bejeweled und andere gehirnlose Computerspiele. Ich bin dankbar für die Gelegenheit, auch aus solchen Spielen zu lernen. Denn das tue ich ebenfalls gern. Täglich kommt eine neue Lehre, ob ich gewinne, oder verliere ist weniger wichtig als die Chance, weiter zu spielen.