Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009

Entstehungsgeschichte: The Birth of a Blog

I met Eggert Staben at a self-employment fair thanks to a tip from Frau Russamondo at the ARGE in September 2007. We had just come back to Germany and were trying to establish ourselves. One thing was certain, after the initial experience with the gruff ARGE receptionist, it was not a place I wanted to deal with again. But Frau Russamondo was helpful. She wanted to study psychology and I'm sure she'll do well.

Mr Staben liked my clown. We chatted, he smiled and gave me his card. I followed up on his introduction to Dr Michael Hoppe, a member of the senior mentoring group of which Mr Staben was the president. After a couple mentoring sessions, I translated much of the website Steps for Children into English as a contribution to his pet charity. In return, Dr Hoppe told me about Kai.

"Why do you want a website?" Kai asked. It was an excellent question. I didn't know why. Because other people thought I needed one? The truth was, I liked being a homeless web entity, floating from site to site, leaving subtle clues of my existence through collaboration with others online.

"You don't need a website," Kai told me. "Why don't you set up a blog?"
I didn't have a clue. So Kai showed me. And within minutes, this blog emerged, crafted by Kai's skillful hands. He even added the clown face picture he had painted--symbolic of the clown spirit he and I shared. And suddenly, I had a blog which had pretty much evolved by itself.

Kai gave me an angel massage afterwards. It made my spirit soar. And when I came down to earth again, it felt like a new place. Check Kai out at He's a great guy with magic fingers and a beautiful spirit.

And if I thank Kai, Michael Hoppe, Herr Staben and Frau Rossomondo for their help, that brings my thank count to 69. Yay!

Dieser Blog entstand per Zufall bzw. ist dank einer Folge von interessanten Begegnungen enstanden. Ich bin allen dankbar, die mir dabei geholfen haben, soweit zu kommen. Hurra!