Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

Lead/ Führung

Thank God it's Saturday. After a week of being regular, I considered taking a break from the blog, but the thing's growing on me. Looks like habits may form faster than they say. It all is a matter of choice, of course. We can do anything we set our minds to.

Today I'm grateful to my classmates from first form (grade 7/27) who gave me my first leadership role by electing me as class rep. The gratitude count goes up by 21 for those who voted for me. But it also goes up by another 20 for those who tolerated my awkward leadership even though they hadn't voted for me. I was a terrible monitor, too strict and stiff, expecting too much from everyone, especially myself. I used to take myself and the world very seriously then. Thank goodness I've grown up. And that takes the gratitude count to 110: Yay! I wonder if I can make it to one thousand by the end of the year? That would be thirty thanks a day for the rest of this month. Hey, maybe I'll try it. It certainly can't hurt.

Als ich elf war wurde ich zum ersten Mal Klassenvertreterin. Ich habe das alles fürchtbar ernst genommen, war eine Furie, die immer darauf bestand, die Regeln strikt einzuhalten. Dabei hätte ich das alles viel lockerer nehmen können. Tja. Was man nicht wusste...doch ich weiß es jetzt. Ich bin für mich verantwortlich und sonst nichts. Das reicht aber dicke. Und das Leben ist nun viel schöner.