Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

Me/ Danke mir

Almost two thirds of the way through the thank count and it suddenly occurrs to me that I could thank myself. Ha! I certainly am grateful for myself and to myself for taking life by the--an anatomical part that may or may not be kosher-- and living the best I can. Yay! Persistent efforts at self-improvement and development, while being aware of and caring for others at the same time: those are the characteristics I appreciate most in myself. And the sense of humour along the way, of course. Heh. Perhaps especially that.

Man, have I been working hard to be a better person so I can make a better world. And I know how earnest I am about this. Who better to be grateful for my efforts than me? Hurray!

Sich selbst zu bedanken wirkte etwas befremdlich. Doch je länger ich mich damit beschäftige und die Idee im Kopf herumdrehte und damit spielte, umso genialer erschien sie mir. Hurra! Ich bin dankbar für mich, für das Leben, das ich mir erarbeitet habe und immer noch liebevoll gestalte. Wer kann das besser als ich? Niemand! Also: ganz herzlichen Dank an mich!!!