Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2009

Autonomy/ Gestern

The Thank Count is at 287, I think.

I just pressed a key accidentally and my whole computer screen changed. I love and hate when it does that. On the one hand it's amazing that this machine is capable of such fabulous feats. On the other hand, I'm a little uneasy with the speed and autonomy. I don't even know which button it was, a slip of a finger in the F row somewhere and bang! an entirely new screen. Wow!

Anyway, we had a funtastic class yesterday, one of those days when you're exhausted afterwards, but the warm glow in your belly says you've done a great job. Thanks to the trainees in that course: Stefanie, Steffi, Stephan, Irina, Karin, Alex, Harun, Marc, Miriam, Marzia, Nele, Elisabeth, Susanna, Sven, Jürgen, and to Verena, Claudia, and Wiebke who were away. Also thanks to Berit, Axel, Cathrin, Robin, Lutz, Gisela, Joaquin, Martina, Peter, Romanita and Dennis, who passed through the course along the way.

We reached a flow state yesterday. We were discussing negotiations, not my particular strength. But the group brought in resources I could never have imagined, making it a truly valuable discourse on human exchange. The participants took it away. Yay! That kind of autonomy doesn't scare me, it's great! It's what being human is all about.

Gestern habe ich wahre Zusammenarbeit im Klassenzimmer erlebt. Da meine "Studenten" mehr über das Thema wussten als ich, durfte ich etwas dazu lernen, während sie ihre Kompentenzen vorzeigen konnten. Deswegen bezeichne ich mich lieber als Trainerin als Lehrerin. Denn eine Trainerin kann auf die Fähigkeiten der KlientInnen bauen, ohne das Gesicht zu verlieren. Wahrhaftig war es eine wunderbare Sache, die gestern geschah.
PS: Thank count=316.