Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010

Snow/ Schnee

I am grateful for snow. I grew up in a place without it and can still recall the first winter spent in temperate climes between New Mexico, Detroit and New York; we saw a lot of white. It was even frozen in Florida when we went to Disney World. I had to get a jacket from the Salvation Army because I didn't have the right clothes, nor the extra money to buy them in a regular store.

They say there's a storm coming and we should stock up. Some folks are scared and anxious about the implications. But I'm grateful for the snow, for the way it makes us realise that life has seasons and gently urges us to accept the changes. I love the way a snow-covered street is muffled by a special kind of silence, I love the way the flakes cling to my fingertips and nose when I touch them and decorate my hair like crown jewels. Safe passage to all who travel today.

Ich bin wohl nicht die einzige, die Schnee mag. Sonst wären alle Schlitten nicht aus den Lagern verschwunden. Wir spielen gern als Menschen, wollen aber auch freie Bahn haben überall. Ich wünschte, wir könnten zu Hause bleiben, weniger produktiv werden und mehr ausruhen im Winter wie andere Tiere das tun. Na ja, allen einen schönen Winter trotzdem.