Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010


Thank God for great editors. The best ones aren't necessarily those with big names.

There was Elise Revere who accepted my very first story published this side of 21. And the Byline editor who was easy to get along with, or Lisa Trainer who rejected my material in such a sincere, polite way, I had to write and thank her. Angela Cox of Freelance Market News always had a positive, inspiring word. Jenny Shelley of OneUp became a friend. And most recently EW Oates at You & Me astounded me with her rapid processing of my piece. I re-read it yesterday and felt the tender tweaking that made the words just right. The whole essay flowed better thanks to her. It's amazing how one or two tiny things can make a huge difference.

Life doesn't have editors. There are coaches and counsellors galore, but the final edit is mine. I am responsible for what I put into the world. My blog isn't perfect, and neither am I. We're works in progress, developing and growing each day. And the greater purpose and direction? Only the big publisher knows. I just submit in my small way.

Das Leben ist wie ein Schriftstück wo ich selbst sowohl den Inhalt als auch die Schriftstellerin bin.