Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010


It's impossible to put this into words. Amazing things are happening. What's important? I am re-reading A New Earth by Eckart Tolle. It helps me understand what I have to do. Three pieces of advice are helpful:

1. Love what you're doing in the moment.
2. If you can't love what you're doing, accept it totally.
3. When the time comes, allow yourself to be enthused.

Of course there's a whole book of background to that. Check it out, if you're interested. It's really good. The book is transformative. I met a woman who hadn't read the book, but she'd read all the reviews. I understand why. The day I bought the book I felt a physical reaction. Something in me fought against the energy in A New Earth and wanted me to put it back on the shelf. Scary!

Ha! I now know what that was. My advice, forget the reviews. Get the real thing. In every aspect of life, it's worth it.

Eine Neue Erde von Eckhart Tolle hilft mir die momentane Lage (wirtschaftluch, socio-politisch, menschlich, persönlich) besser zu verstehen und meine Rolle darin zu begreifen. Ich staune. Am besten wäre es, wenn alle das Buch lesen würden. Ansonsten, nun ja, ist es auch egal.