Montag, 30. November 2009

Reality/ Traum

Thank you to the Henry family: to Uncle George and his reclining armchair for storytelling, to Aunt Caroll who taught me the strength of a good woman, to Robert for calling me sister, to Heather for being one, to sweet sentimental Peter for the childhood memories, and to enterprising Andrew and his lemonade stands--which brings the count to 62.

Do you ever wake up and wonder which side is dream, which reality? Does it really matter? The cool thing about dreams is the way you can re-run them until they turn out as you want them to be. Guess what? Reality can work that way, too!

Im Traum kann es Überraschungen geben, in der wahren Welt aber auch. Doch Einfluss kann sowohl der Träumer als auch der Macher auf das Geschehen nehmen. Träume weiter! Und viel Spaß heute.