Mittwoch, 17. März 2010

Creed III/ EidIII

Sleep is great. I am grateful for the natural rhythms of life. I'm also half asleep. Just got up to be faithful to the blog. Is that dedication, or what?
Hugs for Haiti.

The third bit of the Optimist's Creed:
Promise yourself
to make all your friends feel there is something worthwhile in them.

My friends, a sadly neglected breed of late. I haven't been very communicative while working on changing myself. But they'll understand. And love me whatever I do, however I am. Often it's an email or a phone call from a distant friend that makes my day. My week, my life. Thank God for them. May I be worthy of their friendship and love.

Eigentlich bin ich zu verschlafen um etwas Vernunftiges zu schreiben. Also lass ich es. Auf Englisch fällt das Bluffen leichter. Deutsch ist irgendwie zu Schade dazu. Gute Nacht.