Montag, 1. März 2010

New week/ vorbei

It was an intense weekend with lots of room for personal growth. Wow. I don't know how I did on the relationship test. All the conflict was in me. The other two did fine and it was a pleasure to witness the success of the meeting.

But it's weird feeling like the odd one out. I can relate to the step-mom dynamic.

It's not as though I'm needy or dependent, but all my insecurities and defense patterns came up. In truth, it's a relief to be back to the routine. I am grateful for my simple life. For the ice along the river, the promising morning glow, for true friends and family and all the people who love me.

Hugs for Haiti.

Manchmal erwarte ich zuviel von mir. Es wäre besser gewesen, los zu lassen, doch wollte ich das richtige tun. Vielleicht braucht man weniger das Gleichgewicht zu suchen als es von alleine einpendeln zu lassen.