Montag, 22. März 2010

Creed ix/ Eid ix

I love Roman numerals. Seems they've gone out of fashion, though. I guess our figures are far too big to be recorded that way any more. It's amazing how the world has changed since I was a child.
Hugs for Haiti.

Today's bit of the creed says :
Promise yourself to give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

This suits me better than the cheery face, although the intention brought interesting results yesterday. When you open up to new behaviours and situations, funny things happen. I found myself laughing heartily with a fellow customer and the cashier at the supermarket. Rare. But precious.

Das Motto heute ist: beschäftige dich mit deinen eigenen Kram und du wirst keine Zeit finden, andere zu kritisieren. Wie wahr! Ich habe soviel bei mir zu verbessern, das könnte ein lebenlang dauern. Hat es auch bereits. Nun, nur voran...