Montag, 15. Februar 2010


My jaw was still fat. It made a good clownface, having a crooked jaw. But the pain was disturbing. So I went back to check it out. The dental assistant did a minimal intervention. When the dental surgeon examined it, he said my wound healing was awry.

I wonder why? No doubt my subconscious put into action what his subconscious was saying all the time: it couldn't turn out right. This time I asked him to give me a positive picture of how it should be before he put a hand to my mouth.

It hurt when he anaesthetised me. Flashes of electricity and heat jolted me out of the chair. Amazing how nerves produce sensations. It's not the outer stimulus that matters so much as how the nerve responds. I cried. Couldn't help myself a bit of self pity.

Then I stared out the window for a while until I found the best attitude I could muster. And now I'm putting healing thoughts into action full gear. Hurray! Healing is not always easy or painless, but at least I'm on the way.

Irgendwie haben dieser Kieferchirurg und ich noch etwas miteinander zu klären, oder erleben. Ich weiß nicht warum. Aber diesmal habe ich noch vor der Operation meine Bedürfnisse geäussert, mit positiven Gedanken dem Heilungserfolg beizusteuern.

Er ging darauf ein, erklärte genau, was idealerweise passieren sollte. Trotz Betäubung war es unangenehm. Doch auch dies geht vorbei. Ich habe mir Kamillentee besorgt und werde diesmal wachsamer und zielstrebiger sein. Und es wird schon klappen.
Hugs for Haiti!