Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010

Carpe diem

Husband's away, it's time to play. Yay! It's not that I don't love him. Quite the contrary, the longer we live together the deeper my appreciation of his true nature. And he's a good guy. But the freedom to order my life just as I want it with no regard for anyone else is a rare gift. And I'm seizing it for what it's worth.

No time for long blogging today, the burning inspiration from a sleepless night require action. Tell you about it later. Bye

Hugs for Haiti!

Das Leben fühlt sich anders an, wenn man einen ganzen Tag nur für sich hat, zu tun und zu lassen was man will. Hurra! Bloggen ist dabei keine grosse Priorität, fürchte ich. Also alles Gute bis zum nächsten mal. Hurra!