Montag, 8. Februar 2010

In Waiting/ Wartezeit

Procrastination has a bad name, but it's no thief. It's a lender of time. I procrastinate. A lot. But instead of calling it that, I call it waiting. What a difference a twist of terminology can make.

If you procrastinate, you're bad, you're lazy, you're self-destructive, sabotaging, etc. All the success gurus preach against it. But waiting is another story. Waiting makes you patient. And sometimes saves energy that might be wasted doing unnecessary things.

I don't need to do everything that occurs to me. Waiting gives others a chance to do them. Some things turn out to be a bad idea. Then I'm glad I waited. I can wait years for the right time, decades for the right thing. Yet, when the moment is right, things happen instantaneously with little effort on my part and hardly any duration of time.

Time to dream, time to rest, time to let things work themselves out; sometimes we have more time than we think, if only we would take it.
Hugs for Haiti!

In Deutschland wird die Man~ana-Mentalität belächelt. Die Deutschen seien nicht so, meint man. Schade. Denn manchmal ist es nützlich, warten zu können. Es passiert sehr viel, wenn man selber nichts unternimmt. Wir überschätzen manchmal die Wichtigkeit des Tuns. Gelegentlich ist das Lassen nicht nur wertvoller, sondern essentiell.

Also, tue, was du nicht lassen kannst--und geniesse den Rest.