Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

Quick fix/ Schnell

Hugs for Haiti!

The other side of procrastination is rapid response. There are some things that can't wait, or won't. There are times when I act in the moment, out of the moment, without doubt or hesitation.

These times are rare. I don't have the energy to be quick all the time. And anyway, I am a slow poke, dreaming and procrastinating, weighing things carefully, leaving a lot of stuff undone. But not in a bad way. Many things never need to be done. I don't have to do everything that comes into my head--or anyone else's.

(Don't put off for tomorrow what can be put off forever)

I love it when a thing gets done almost by itself because it simply demands action. Like an arrow flying straight to its target. Phoom. Bull's eye! Or a snakehead snapping out at it's prey.

A variation on the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to wait on things that don't have to be done, the strength to do what's necessary and the wisdom to know the difference.

Tun und Lassen ist eine grosse Kunst, die Kunst des Lebens sozusagen. Manche legen grossen Wert auf Äusserlichkeiten, sichtbares Tun. Ich habe eher den Hang für innere Arbeit. Die macht das Äusserliche oft überflüssig.

Und dennoch gibt es Äusserungen, die ich nicht vermissen möchte: der Ausdruck einer Seele in bildender Kunst, gelungene Arbeit jeglicher Natur, Gesang...Ich wünschte nur, mehr Menschen könnten die Dinge lassen, die ihnen selbst und anderen nur Leid zufügen. Na ja. Vielleicht kommt das irgendwann.