Freitag, 26. Februar 2010


I seldom read my own blog. Or anyone else's for that matter. But today I looked back at the first entry of the month, just to see where I was coming from. I started February on relationship, about the role spouses play in each other's lives. I'm ending the with family because Fan's daughter is coming to visit today.

It wasn't easy. His mother was dead set against it and poisoned his mind against his daughter because...I'm not exactly sure why. But he is a grown man and responsible for his own decisions. After all, it wasn't the girl who got her mom pregnant...

Now there's just the excitement of anticipation as we move into a new dimension of family life. It's like growing up some more. Heh.
Hugs for Haiti.

Heute ist es soweit. Wir probieren eine neue Art vom Familienleben aus: Stiefmutter, Vater und Tochter...das macht eine mini Patchwork. Viel einfacher als manch andere Konstellation. Wir freuen uns über die Gelegenheit und machen die Stadt in den nächsten Tagen unsicher. Hurra.