Freitag, 11. September 2009

Thousand Thanks

Thanks to Jack Canfield for the message on appreciation he sent today and for the Success Principles that have inspired me along the way.

With the Monday blog I started my thousand thanks action, dedicating blog lines to at least a thousand people who have helped, comforted, taught or inspired me over the years. I started with my mom and Canfield is number two. His newsletter mentioned appreciation as one of the main motivators for most employees.

Patch Adams taught me to foster an attitude of gratitude, but sometimes it gets lost in the wings while other things take the stage. Today I am grateful for my life, my home, my friends, my families, my colleagues, my history, and excuse me while I continue the list elsewhere. This is going to take a while. Maybe you could spend a few minutes considering some gratitude items of your own. Thank you for reading me! Bye.

Gibt es tausend Dinge oder Menschen, wofür ich dankbar sein könnte? Tschüß bis bald, ich zähle nach und es wird bestimmt eine Weile dauern. Gottseidank...