Samstag, 26. September 2009

Spur of the Moment/ Gegenwärtig

Thank you five goes to Hope Clarke of Funds for Writers ( who included my note of thanks in her newsletter last week. Hope is a role model writer whose words and tips have spurred me on. I've been reading her free newsletters for over a year. Yay!

Ironically, I seldom do as she says. She recommends an iron regiment, making plans, carrying them through. But I can't write until I hate it, nor force a wandering mind into submission. I need freedom to dream and to love what I'm doing; what I write is nothing without them.

Oh, I have tried; again and again. A regimented approach only leads to frustration. But having a clear model that does not apply has helped me define what does.

It's the spur of the moment.

Systematic people might call me fickle, I call it inspired. It's what powers and empowers me.
I wrote down a resolution to write this blog at least three times a week. It didn't happen, but this morning it occurred to me that once is enough.

I woke from a dream to answer something a friend asked three weeks ago. I went back to bed, but my mind insisted I get up and write this down. I meant to blog it yesterday, but my brain was too weary. Besides, the spurring moment hadn't arrived.

It has been an incredible, blessed week; stories have been writing themselves. I haven't had fingers enough to record them. Great thoughts got lost with the wind. But that's okay, I don't need to hold on to everything. I just need to select the right thing at the right time, use my dull mind to perfect the shine, then get it to the right place in the right way.

And mostly, I haven't a clue what the 'right' thing is except that it's something to do with writing. You need faith to work like that, but I've always had gobs of that. Thanks to Ms. Clarke's input, I now have a little more system, a lot more knowledge and great Hope. Yay!

Ich lebe von der Gegenwart ins spe. Erich Kästners Gedicht "Wir sitzen alle im gleichen Zug und reisen quer durch die Zeit," hat mich immer inspiriert. Nun spure ich, dass die Zeit nur gegenwärtig sein kann, wenn ich mir selber dessen bewusst bin. Die Zeitreise findet stets in diesem Moment statt. Ich kann Die Kraft der Gegenwart von Eckhart Tolle sehr empfehlen.
Tschuß und schönes Wochenende. M