Donnerstag, 17. September 2009

Stepping Stones/ Das Nächste, bitte!

Thank you number three goes to Ritu Marwaha of Institute4Languages and number four to her marketing consultant Martin for a life-changing session last night. That's life-changing in a positive sense, folks. As Martin pointed out, change can be taken both ways.

I've been on a long-term trip to self realisation and it will probably last until I die. While Canfield's Success Principles have taught me to aspire higher, my basic nature makes it difficult to set long term goals. I keep changing my mind.

Some things are perfectly clear: I want to live in a world of abundance, peace and happiness/ contentment/ satisfaction for all. Some people may not want to be happy, so far be it from me to prescribe it. But I wish for every being to fulfill his/her/it's purpose and for all of us to live our best lives, whatever that involves.

We live our best life each moment, though we may not realise or accept it. Living MY best life is recognising the next step. My greatest success stems from getting those little steps right. Raising a passionate voice to rattle out apathy. Choosing the right training and not letting up until I make it. Embracing great mistakes, slipping and falling with grace. Ha! Sitting back to let others shine, mastering the stage when it's my turn. Writing that word of encouragement. And listening to whispered messages other people miss.

I'm ready and roaring to go, wherever this leads, honing my skills and growing as I go. Loads of people love and support me and I've got the faith and willingness to deal with anything. So bring it on world! Yay!

Was immer das Leben mir anzubieten hat, nehme ich gern und gierig entgegen. Soll es nur kommen. Ich schaffe alles, was ich muss oder möchte. Hurra!
Euch ebenfalls viel Spaß, Kraft und Glück auf dem Weg!