Samstag, 7. November 2009

Haircut/ Verhandlungen

Thanks to Sister James Vincent, OSF (R.I.P.) for a foundation in biology that helped to shape my life. She died earlier this week.

When I was a poor student doing odd jobs and busking in London, I walked down a posh High Street one day and stopped to chat with a guy handing out flyers. I took a flyer and went into the beauty salon so he'd get the point, or the pound, or whatever he was working for. I'd done that sort of job and knew how tough it could be. Inside the salon, they did their sales dance, offering me a haircut at half price. In truth, I didn't want a haircut, so no matter how low they went, I didn't bite. Then finally, they offered me the haircut for free. I gave in, just for the story.

I told my friend Helen about it and she went strolling past the shop the next day, hoping to hit the jackpot. But no such luck. Either the free haircut had made them change their strategy, or she just wanted it too much.

My bargaining power is greatest when I don't want anything. I'm having a similar experience now where I've pricked a salesman's pride. I can't wait to see what lengths he'll go to to get me to buy. Am I wicked, or what?

Ich bin keine talentierte Verhandlungskünstlerin, aber manchmal erwische ich jemanden, der mich unbedingt zum Kaufen anlocken will. Und es ist ganz interessant, wieviel Mühe manche Verkäufer sich dabei macht. Na ja, wem es gefällt...jedem das Seine. Frohes Wochenende!