Samstag, 28. November 2009

Changes/ Neustart

Thank yous 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 go to my language teachers Herr Shookman, Frau Cunningham, Senora Foster, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Sangster, Maria Elena, Andy, and Marijana Cesaric. Number 50 to the other language teachers whose names I've forgotten. Their lessons opened up new worlds to me.

I was considering closing this blog down for the winter. The trees are doing it, so why shouldn't I? But then I read a book called Yes, You Can Learn How to Write Children's Books, Get Them Published, and Build a Successful Writing Career by Nancy Sanders, recommended by my favourite writing mentor, Hope Clarke. And I decided to change my defeatist ways. All the negative self talk about being a whimsical writer, not being able to do as the experts say one should do? I've done with that. This day marks the start of a new phase. Hello, please meet the new, dedicated writer! I have loads of things to say. I want to make the Internet a little more loving, a friendlier place through my presence.

Okay, so first I have to get more loving inside myself. But I'm working at it, I promise. I hope you'll drop by to check out the results. Happy day or night to you!

Anstatt mein/en Blog über den Winter einzustellen, habe ich mir vorgenommen, ihn/ es (ich weiss immer noch nicht was für einen Artikel Blog braucht--das werde ich bis zum nächsten Mal nachforschen) noch regelmäßiger zu schreiben und spritziger zu gestalten. Ich weiß zwar nicht, was daraus wird, aber ich verspreche mir selbst, mein Bestes zu geben, um das Beste daraus zu machen. Dank der Inspiration all derjenigen, die mich soweit gebracht haben.

Alles Gute bis zum nächsten Mal (und selbstverständlich darüber hinaus).