Montag, 28. Juni 2010

Ölteppich/ Greasy

We know the costs and risks, yet still make the choices we do.
I'm responsible for the Gulf of Mexico, too.
Not just BP, the fall guy.

I'm not angry about the spill, just sad that I don't have the love, willpower and purity to refrain from petroleum based products and be consequent about greenhouse gases. After all, I do know better, and have known for a long time.

In the seventies I boycotted deo sprays with FC-whatever. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything, I tell myself, and wonder vaguely why I haven't put my mind to finding a way past crude oil.

I guess I am too caught up in my own little cosmos of every day cares to take a good look at where I am going. I am a dreamer, a high-flyer, I soar. But sometimes its good to touch ground in between. Where am I really? And why?

Hugs for Gaza, Haiti, Israel, Jamaica: the disenfranchised, forgotten, paranoid and victims of violence and greed. I guess that pretty much covers the world.

Jeg elsker Norge!

Ich gebe zu, ich bin genauso verantwortlich für das Desaster im Golf von Mexiko wie BP. Ich gebe zu, ich habe genauso wenig getan, um es zu verhindern wie sie. Wie sehr muss ich mich ändern, damit sowas nie wieder passieren kann?

Ich dachte, ich hätte mich als Mensch prima entwickelt, doch bin ich trotzdem noch weit weit weg vom Ziel entfernt.