Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010


Ups and downs. That's what life is like for me. But I love roller coaster rides, so it's fine. And everything that's changing is changing in the direction I want it to be. If things were always up, I'd never get a chance to feel the shelter of the valleys.

Take Oprah for instance. For over two decades she was on top and one only heard good things about her. Mostly. Now she's going down, stepping down perhaps because the time is right, and suddenly a book appears which shreds her. The aging lion is prey for malicious scavengers.

I don't know the truth of anybody's life except my own. It's not for me to judge other people. I'm just the clown enjoying the ride. Yay!
Hugs for Haiti!

Das wird sicher ein Spaß. In der Tat, das ist es bereits. Rasant geht es ab nach Norwegen nach vielen Monaten der Vorbereitung. Die Antworten auf Bewerbungen erscheinen im Inbox, Verträge werden gekündigt, neue werden bald geknüpft. Das Leben geht weiter. Und gottseidank, ich auch. Hurra!