Samstag, 31. Oktober 2009

Er ist der Martin

Thank you 38 to Uncle Ranny who called and made me laugh last night, as he always does. 39 and 40 to Uncle Mickey and Aunt Carol who are supporting me by spreading the word about the novel in progress Until Infinity at written under the pseudonym Mary Dix. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do. Thanks!

The main theme of the blog is Martin Lindner, candidate #5 in the thank you roll. He enlightened me yet again this week. For an engineer, he's got remarkable interpersonal skills, insight and a clear, gentle, positive attitude. I learned a lot from him. In a single conversation. And when we walked out the door he held it and made some other people smile as they passed through. He's an excellent friend to have. And more than that, he's a caring human being. Yay! He's good at what he does. Orignally an expert on industrial marketing, he took a sidestep to help out an acquaintance in the language field. Which is where we met, and what a blessing that has been.

Es ist soviel passiert diese Woche, ich kann es kaum in Wörtern fassen. Aber alles ist gut und wird nur noch besser. Meine Welt verändert sich, Schritt für Schritt und ich kann Wunderbares erahnen. Hurra! Ich bin von liebevollen hilfsbereiten Menschen umgeben und kann meine Fähigkeiten dort einsetzen, wo sie gebraucht werden. Was kann ein Mensch sich mehr wünschen als das?
Euch alles Gute und schönes Wochenende.