Freitag, 16. Oktober 2009

Ooops/ Schuldig

Thank you 26 goes to Marina Marinova who offered me work at the Verein für berufliche Weiterbildung. 27 and 28 to Ludolf Schnittger and Simon Marshall of the same language and computer training school for marvellous first experiences, their creatively executed 10th anniversary celebration, a really liberating grammar lesson and thanks (29, 30, 31, 32, 33) to my new colleagues Jean, Birte, Harald, Heike, and Carsten, (34, 35) and Andrea and Julia in the office for helping me settle in.

Does anyone follow this blog? I don't know. In a way, it doesn't matter. It's my musing on a breeze, like a bird chirping, or sometimes, maybe, like the stuff that comes out the other end. At any rate, I write on a whim. I write as my heart dictates. There's no regularity, no obligation. I was so busy doing other wonderful things, I forgot the blog for two whole weeks. Shriek!

I'm glad I can report to the universe, or to you, if you read it. And, oops, sorry if anyone was expecting a regular installment. It's not that I don't care. I love the thought of someone sharing this blog experience. But there's absolutely nothing regular about me. And that, perhaps, is the beauty of it.

O Schreck! Es sind bald drei Wochen seit dem letzten Eintrag. Verfolgt denn irgendjemand dieses Blog? Falls ja, bitte entschuldige mich, denn ich wollte Euch weder vernachlässigen noch beleidigen. So bin ich halt, mal hie mal da...und ich glaube bei der Intensität des Informationsflusses heutzutage ist manchmal ein bisschen Schweigen gar nicht so schlimm. Oder?

Frohe Herbsttage! (Oder ist es doch schon Winter?)