Sonntag, 4. April 2010

Disconnect/ Offline

Three computer-free days! Who dares to do that nowadays? I rather enjoyed the abstinence. In fact, I'm thinking of doing it more regularly. Four years ago, I only used my computer to write. I didn't have online access at home. I visited the Internet cafe now and then, when I felt like.

Nobody died from it.

I am reluctant to have a web-based business because the freedom to be offline is more precious than all the money in the world. I don't want constant connection. I am connected anyway. Barbara Wood's Daugther of the Sun, another beatuifully woven tale of hers, mentions that universal connection.

It reminded me that I don't have to follow the crowd. I can find my own way. And I will.
Hugs for Haiti.

Es war erfrischend mal keine E-Mail zu öffnen, keine Blogseite zu pflegen und überhaupt, die Existenz der elektronischen Verbindung eine Weile zu vergesssen. Ich glaube, ich könnte das öfters tun. Frohe Ostern!