Montag, 30. November 2009

Reality/ Traum

Thank you to the Henry family: to Uncle George and his reclining armchair for storytelling, to Aunt Caroll who taught me the strength of a good woman, to Robert for calling me sister, to Heather for being one, to sweet sentimental Peter for the childhood memories, and to enterprising Andrew and his lemonade stands--which brings the count to 62.

Do you ever wake up and wonder which side is dream, which reality? Does it really matter? The cool thing about dreams is the way you can re-run them until they turn out as you want them to be. Guess what? Reality can work that way, too!

Im Traum kann es Überraschungen geben, in der wahren Welt aber auch. Doch Einfluss kann sowohl der Träumer als auch der Macher auf das Geschehen nehmen. Träume weiter! Und viel Spaß heute.

Sonntag, 29. November 2009

Believing/ Glauben

Thank you 56 goes to Enid Blyton. Her wonderful stories studded my childhood like jems in the treasure troves of my imagination and my life was enriched by her characters.

Two weeks ago, I saw a toadstool for the first time. I recognised the red cap with creamy dots because I'd read about them in picture books and even drawn them myself as a kid. I never doubted that toadstools existed. The fact that I'd never seen one didn't matter. Other people had. And maybe if toadstools exist, so do the creatures fabled to use them: the brownies and pixies and elves, and animals that think and speak?

There's so much that I may never know. Why should life be limited to what I have seen?

Das Englische heute ist ein wenig zu schräg für mein deutsches Denkvermögen. Übersetzen läßt es sich schlecht. Aber es geht darum, dass ich fest daran glaube, es gibt mehr im Leben als ich mir jemals vorstellen, oder gar ahnen könnte. Und das ist irgendwie toll. Hurra!


Thank you 51 goes to Mary Helen Weaver, if she's around. I can still play and sing lots of songs she taught us in first grade. As Christmas comes around, I remember the musicals and carolling of yore. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Davis, Mrs Northover, Mrs Schaeffer and to Ms Plummer who cleaned at Glenliegh school while I was there. That brings the count to 55.

Advent, Advent, the tradition is strong around here. The excitement, the buzz, the smell of mulled wine and the light drizzle of a late November morning. I'm heading to the woods to enjoy the golden carpet of the burnt sienna leaves that have covered the paths and listen to the birds triumphant in the twigs above me. Something's coming. Maybe it's me!

Ich liebe Advent und das Jahresende. Es ist noch besser als wenn ein 'neues' Jahr losgeht. Ich liebe den Rückblick auf all das Geschehene und die Hoffnung auf das, was uns bevorsteht. Es inspiriert mich eher zum Neuanfang als das Neujahrstrubbel. Ich fange heute an, anders zu sein. Ich nehme die kleinen Schritte, regelmäßiger bloggen, ernsthafter schreiben, etwas produzieren, was ich verkaufen kann. Aber immer mit der Liebe, so friedlich wie ich nur kann, den kein Produkt ist es wert, den eigenen Weg zu verderben.

Frohe Adventszeit Euch allen!

Samstag, 28. November 2009

Changes/ Neustart

Thank yous 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 go to my language teachers Herr Shookman, Frau Cunningham, Senora Foster, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Sangster, Maria Elena, Andy, and Marijana Cesaric. Number 50 to the other language teachers whose names I've forgotten. Their lessons opened up new worlds to me.

I was considering closing this blog down for the winter. The trees are doing it, so why shouldn't I? But then I read a book called Yes, You Can Learn How to Write Children's Books, Get Them Published, and Build a Successful Writing Career by Nancy Sanders, recommended by my favourite writing mentor, Hope Clarke. And I decided to change my defeatist ways. All the negative self talk about being a whimsical writer, not being able to do as the experts say one should do? I've done with that. This day marks the start of a new phase. Hello, please meet the new, dedicated writer! I have loads of things to say. I want to make the Internet a little more loving, a friendlier place through my presence.

Okay, so first I have to get more loving inside myself. But I'm working at it, I promise. I hope you'll drop by to check out the results. Happy day or night to you!

Anstatt mein/en Blog über den Winter einzustellen, habe ich mir vorgenommen, ihn/ es (ich weiss immer noch nicht was für einen Artikel Blog braucht--das werde ich bis zum nächsten Mal nachforschen) noch regelmäßiger zu schreiben und spritziger zu gestalten. Ich weiß zwar nicht, was daraus wird, aber ich verspreche mir selbst, mein Bestes zu geben, um das Beste daraus zu machen. Dank der Inspiration all derjenigen, die mich soweit gebracht haben.

Alles Gute bis zum nächsten Mal (und selbstverständlich darüber hinaus).

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

Keep on/ Weiter so!

Thank you 42 to Helen Pendry who introduced me to the Hitchhiker's Guide and will forever be associated with this mystical number in my mind. She offered me a place to stay in London, wrote empowering letters and let me hold her son. How magical! What a friend.

My mom sent a card composed by Myra Zirkle. To avoid copyright infringement, I will paraphrase here: Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans. Sometimes you lose the roadmap, and somebody messes with the spark plugs. But you don't quit and say "whatever", you rethink the dream, find the courage to set off again, take a detour, or find a new road. Heck, the possibilities are endless. Maybe you'll even land a more scenic route! As long as you keep moving, you're bound to land somewhere.

Just enjoy the journey for it's part of who you'll be when you get there.
Be where you are and do what you do.

Wenn es so aussieht, als ob die Sache schief geht, muss das nicht den Garaus für deine Träume bedeuten, sondern könnte eine Gelegenheit sein, weiter zu gehen, etwas Neues zu entdecken und, wer weiss, im Prozess jemand Neues zu werden?

Auf ein gelungenes Unternehmen Leben!

Samstag, 7. November 2009

Haircut/ Verhandlungen

Thanks to Sister James Vincent, OSF (R.I.P.) for a foundation in biology that helped to shape my life. She died earlier this week.

When I was a poor student doing odd jobs and busking in London, I walked down a posh High Street one day and stopped to chat with a guy handing out flyers. I took a flyer and went into the beauty salon so he'd get the point, or the pound, or whatever he was working for. I'd done that sort of job and knew how tough it could be. Inside the salon, they did their sales dance, offering me a haircut at half price. In truth, I didn't want a haircut, so no matter how low they went, I didn't bite. Then finally, they offered me the haircut for free. I gave in, just for the story.

I told my friend Helen about it and she went strolling past the shop the next day, hoping to hit the jackpot. But no such luck. Either the free haircut had made them change their strategy, or she just wanted it too much.

My bargaining power is greatest when I don't want anything. I'm having a similar experience now where I've pricked a salesman's pride. I can't wait to see what lengths he'll go to to get me to buy. Am I wicked, or what?

Ich bin keine talentierte Verhandlungskünstlerin, aber manchmal erwische ich jemanden, der mich unbedingt zum Kaufen anlocken will. Und es ist ganz interessant, wieviel Mühe manche Verkäufer sich dabei macht. Na ja, wem es gefällt...jedem das Seine. Frohes Wochenende!